Go to norfort.uplifterinc.com
Choose your preferred program ie. Recreation Gymnastics, Cheer etc
Choose your class
Click Register
From the drop down, choose the participant registering in the class
If the Childs name is not in the list, click on add participant and enter all of their information
Once a child is added to the class, go to your cart
Enter Billing Information
Enter payment Information
Funding Options
We believe that every child should have a chance to attend a sport that they love. There are financial options available to those who qualify. Please check out the following organizations for more information:
KIDSPORT – www.kidsportcanada.ca
JUMPSTART – http://jumpstart.canadiantire.ca
WB KIDS – http://www.rrcwb.ca/wbkids
You must apply for funding directly with the organizations above. If you are planning to apply for funding, you have two options for registration.
You may register your child online and provide payment at that time. Once you receive confirmation of your approval for funding, Norfort will issue a refund for the total amount paid.
Once you receive confirmation of approval from one of the above organizations, please provide the office with a copy and we will happily get them registered in one of our programs.